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追風三痺湯 - Medicinal Formula for Body Numbness

RM 20.00
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本方具有 怯風散寒,活血止痛功效,用於脾虛者遇風寒濕, 三邪而致 血氣停滯的手足麻痺. 患者感覺四肢冰冷, 活動遲緩, 腰、肩、四肢、關節、肌肉諸痛,關節麻木,風濕酸痛等症。

每星期服一劑, 四碗清水, 慢火煮存一碗, 睡前服用.

This formula dispels Wind Cold and Dampness, tonifies the Liver and Kidney. It removes obstruction in Qi and Blood circulation to relieve pain, and it invigorates Qi and nourishes the Blood. It is used for such symptoms: numbness of the limbs due to Wind-Cold- Dampness, pain in the waist and lower extremities, deficiency of Qi and Blood, intolerance of cold but preference of heat, cold-pain in the lumbar region and knees, inaction of articulation, difficulty of joint movements, paralysis, and numbness. Boil the herbs in 4 bowls of water until one bowl of soup left for each consumption at bedtime. Repeat weekly.

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