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杜仲壯腰湯 - Medicinal Formula for Backaches

RM 21.00
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具有補氣血,益肝腎,袪風濕,止痺痛功效。用於工作繁忙, 坐立姿態不正, 體虛缺補而造成 風濕骨痛,腰膝背痛,腰腿拘急,筋骨攣痛,腳氣行艱,筋骨伸展不利, 精神萎靡不振等症. 

四碗清水, 慢火煮存一碗, 睡前服用.

This formula dispels Dampness and Cold; removes Blood Stasis; promotes the circulation of Blood, relaxes the muscles and tendons; Related symptoms are: pain from sciatic nerves and lower back pain from rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis; pain and soreness in the loins and lower extremities; numbness of the limbs; soreness of the tendons and bones due to incorrect postures. Boil the herbs in 4 bowls of water until one bowl of soup left for each consumption

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